Faze 3

  • crearea unei liste de nume
  • înţelegerea planului de marketing
  • adresându-se primelor contacte
  • duplication
Create a Name List

Create a name list of potential customers. Focus on your loved ones, friends, family and colleagues who are interested in perfumes, cosmetics and a generally healthy lifestyle. Take advantage of your contacts through social media. Remember that the registration (recruitment) of new members who will resell ESSENS products will allow you to maximise the potential of the ESSENS Marketing Plan. Approach all people from your Name List and keep a record of the meetings. Offer cooperation to everyone, otherwise someone else will and you will regret it later.

Get to know the ESSENS Marketing Plan system

The ESSENS Marketing Plan consists of 4 plans with monthly and annual qualification periods. Don’t underestimate its power because it is the foundation of your business. The marketing plan is simple, balanced, fair and based on a points system that is stated for each product. If anything from the marketing plan is unclear to you, contact your sponsor or active upline to help you with a better understanding.

Reach out to your first contacts

You have already tested your business talent in your first contacts. It’s great to sell products and benefit from their sales. However, it is much more beneficial to offer them real business potential by building a solid network.

Register correctly

All your personal contacts should be registered as your direct line, we do not recommend registering them in depth. For more depth in your network, it is best to promote goaloriented members and help them achieve their goals. But never stop building your direct line.

Train and motivate your team

If you take care of your team regularly, support them and help them by answering many questions, your business will be more successful. Be in regular contact with your team, keep them updated about special offers and current information from the company. Create your own webinars for them, zoom meetings and attend all company events with them.

Monitor your results

A smart overview in the mobile application and on the website shows you the current status of your business, a number of personal and group points, entitlement and value of cashback, the current position you achieved, and the commission amount in the E-wallet. You can use the money in your E-wallet as a discount on your next purchase and if you meet the conditions, you can have your commission paid into your bank account. Also, track achievements in your structure and use those figures as a positive motivation for your members throughout your downline.


Learn from successful ESSENS members, copy established skills and don’t be afraid to ask your sponsor anything at any time. Keep in mind that duplication of the best is the most effective thing you can do for your success.


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