Become your first customer and don’t forget that the best selling point is one’s own experience. Take advantage of registration discounts and bargain super-packs and see how well ESSENS products work.
Keep in mind that we are confident enough in the quality of our products that we can afford to offer 30 and 90 day warranty.
Once you get to know the excellent quality of our products and know the wide spectrum of products that we offer, it’s a good time to use this experience to get an interesting sideline income. As your first customers, your family and your friends will prove to be the best. Do not hesitate, approach them and test your business skills on them. If there are any slight mistakes, for sure those people will be kind to forgive. Those mistakes will help you to improve your skills and apply them next time.
Show the products or product catalogues to your family or friends, talk about the products, let them try our perfumes and experience how easy it is to sell your first perfume. If you always carry our perfume Sample Kit with you, you can get new customers easily, quickly and at any time. Keep in mind, that everybody uses products of daily use, be it soap, shampoo, shower gel or toothpaste. All these products are part of our portfolio and by selling them you can earn a solid extra income each month.
Discuss all rejections and failures with your active sponsor, learn from them if necessary, contact these contacts again after a while. Don’t forget that regular contact with your customers is very important. This regular contact should be always friendly, assuring the customers’ satisfaction with our products and the service that we provide (delivery on time, product updates and exciting news).
Track how well you’re doing. The “My Office” web tab on your computer, or a smart overview in the myESSENS mobile application. You can find the current status of your business here at a given time as well as the subsequent goal where you are heading. You will see the number of your personal points, entitlement to cashback or your E-wallet worth. You can use the money in the E-wallet as a discount for your next purchases up to 90% of the order value.
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