Colostrum Nourishing Body Cream

12.00 €
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5.50 p
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150 ml
Disponibilitate: In stoc

Colostrum Nourishing Body Cream

Nourishing Body Cream for daily body care is suitable for all skin types. It contains Colostrum, Argan oil, Erucic oil, Shea butter, vitamin E, pyroglutamic acid and patented ingredient Olivem. Individual ingredients nourish the skin and give elasticity, smoothness and moisturizing it at the same time. All used ingredients are biodegradable and thus non-toxic for the environment.

Colostrum, contained in the body cream, balances microbial flora and fully replaces silk, which gives a sense of softness and pleasant freshness. Colostrum also supplies the ingredients necessary for the vitality of the skin and regenerates skin cells (anti-aging effect).

Argan oil from UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in southwestern Morocco, belongs to the rarest and the most expensive oil in the world. It is characterized by a high percentage of active substances that slow the aging process of the skin cells, making it soft and hydrate. It is often used in the treatment of complicated skin diseases.

Erucic oil is very pure cosmetic ester oil produced on a natural basis, rich in vitamin E. It is a natural antioxidant preventing skin aging, regenerates and also cares for dehydrated skin.

Shea butter has been made for centuries in the traditional way in equatorial Africa from fruits of the Shea tree. Shea butter perfectly hydrates the skin, acts against premature aging, stimulates microcirculation of skin cells and protects the skin against the adverse effects.

A pyroglutamic acid (PCA) occurs naturally in the skin as part of the natural moisturizing factor which is responsible for proper hydration and elasticity of the skin. It has hydrophilic and hygroscopic properties, keeps the water in the skin, it moisturizes, softens and smoothes.

Nourishing body cream also contains premium ingredients Olivem from the world's leading producer of high-quality products based on Olive oil. Olivem creates liquid crystals in an emulsion, which have a dominating influence on the skin for easy absorption, providing sufficient hydration, water resistance and a very pleasant feeling after application of cream. Olivem also excels in self-emulsifying characteristic, the ability of an ideal mixing of two otherwise immiscible liquids (water, oil).

Application: apply on freshly cleaned skin.

Manufacturer: ESSENS EUROPE SE, Zaoralova 3045/1, 628 00 Brno

Ingredients (INCI): Aqua; Paraffinum Liquidum; Cetearyl Glucoside, Sorbitan Olivate, Cetearyl Alcohol; Butyrospermum Parkii; Cetearyl Alcohol; Glycerin; Dimethicone; Oleyl Erucate; Ethylhexylglycerin (and) Phenoxyethanol; Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil; Sodium PCA; D-panthenol; Myreth-3 Myristate; Colostrum; Xanthan gum; Parfum; Tocopheryl Acetate.

Slavomíra Florišova
Evaluat 19/02/2025
Fantasticke telové mlieko, ľahko sa rozotiera a tá vôňa! To necítite nikde, jedinečná!!!Pomáha aj pri akné na pleť! V kombinácii so sprchovým gélom s colostrom. Super aj pre ľudí s ekzemom a psoriazou

Angeles Lafont baena
Evaluat 14/02/2025

Katarína Bejdáková
Evaluat 12/02/2025
Úžasný krém, perfektne sa roztiera, hydratuje a má nádhernú vôňu. Pomohol mi s akzémom na ruke.

Roberto Cappon
Evaluat 07/02/2025
Ottima crema

Giulia Pesce
Evaluat 04/02/2025

Гульнара Яссировна Плющева
Evaluat 11/02/2025
Идеальный крем не только для тела ! Использую его также для кожи лица ! Нет жирного блеска , быстро впитывается , очень приятный легкий аромат !

Ирина Викторовна Федоренко
Evaluat 09/02/2025
Крем просто супер,даже не ожидала такого эффекта.Кожа после применения стала мягкой и бархатистой.Чувство комфортности,как бы обволакивает тело невесомой пленкой.Это не передаваемые ощущения.Надо просто купить и попробовать на себе.Рекомендую однозначно и куплю ещё раз ,за разом.

Екатерина Валерьевна Тихомирова
Evaluat 09/02/2025
Шикарный крем. Пользуемся вместе с мужем. Кожа лица как бархат напитанная и увлажненная. Идеален для раздражённой и аллергичной кожи. У мужа себорея в ушах, смазывает и все проходит.

Кристина Александрқызы Камашева
Evaluat 07/02/2025
Самый лучший крем

Анна Гуцуляк
Evaluat 06/02/2025
Очень нежный и питательный крем. У мужа экзема на руках в зимний период, никакие крема не помогали- взяла колострум и результат был виден после первого применения.

Гульсима Онгарбаевна Усенбаева
Evaluat 06/02/2025
Мой самый любимый продукт. Он обязательно должен быть в каждом доме.


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