Colostrum Probiotics Set - food supplement

68.10 €
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Colostrum Probiotics Set - food supplement

The ESSENS yoghurt maker is exceptionally easy to operate without the need for any adjustment, controls or supervision. The heating is provided by the intelligent self-regulating PTC heater, guaranteeing the highest possible safety and at the same time economical operation.

The yoghurt maker is made in accordance with European Union standards, all the materials used are stable and the yoghurt container is made of high quality, food-grade, stainless steel.

Basic features and parameters:

  • power saving 20W, self-regulating PTC heater
  • 7 jars with sealable lids with a capacity of 0.1 liters included
  • high-quality stainless steel container for the preparation of yoghurt with a separate plastic lid
  • total volume of the container 1.5 l (with a reserve for easy mixing of the probiotic mixture in 1 l of milk)
  • clean design with a sleek, smooth surface for easy maintenance
  • transparent plastic lid for monitoring yoghurt preparation
  • control diode (indicates ‘on’ status)

Dimensions: Diameter 214 mm, Height 145 mm (Package dimensions: 223 × 223 × 242 mm)

Weight: 0.91 kg (package weight: 1.05 kg)

The package includes instructions in the English language.

It is not compatible with UK mains plug sockets.

ESSENS Colostrum Probiotics contains four selected probiotic cultures (strains of microorganisms with beneficial effects), prebiotic inulin and colostrum which is the source of effective antibodies.

This product is designed for the personal preparation of "high quality" domestic yoghurts.

* PROBIOTICS = living organisms that balance the intestinal microflora (Streptococcus lactis, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum)

** PREBIOTICS = energy source for the "yoghurt" microorganisms and symbiotic intestinal bacteria

Yoghurt made from the ESSENS pre / prebiotic mixture is known as a "functional food". This means foodstuffs made from naturally occurring ingredients which, in addition to their nutritional value, have a beneficial effect on the health of the consumer.

Package contents: 6 sachets / 10 g of mixture per sachet

Manufacturer: ESSENS EUROPE SE. Zoaoralova 3045/1e, 62800 Brno

Ing. Lenka Borková
Evaluat 17/02/2025
Fantastický, zdravý, čerstvý, proprebiotický jogurtík s kolostrom je v našom jedálničku už snáď 12 rokov vďaka Essens jogurtovaču a kultúram do jogurtu. Zdravie je dôležité a skvelá chuť je bonusom navyše. Zažívanie, trávenie, vyprázdňovanie, pleť,...všetko sa zlepší s týmto produktom.


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