Set Colostrum+ Moisturising

97.20 €
Cel mai bun preț din ultimele 30 de zile:
45.00 p
Disponibilitate: In stoc

Set Colostrum+ Moisturising

A set of premium cosmetics at a discounted price!

Set contains:

  • Moisturizing cream Colostrum+
  • Anti-ageing Tonic spray Colostrum+
  • Anti-ageing Face soap Colostrum+

Cosmetics with colostrum are also ideal for sensitive skin, they work deep into the skin structure, help in the fight against skin diseases and provide maximum hydration. The appropriate combination of carefully selected natural ingredients ensures perfect hydration and protection of the skin from adverse effects of the environment throughout the day. Supports youthful and healthy looking skin.

Colostrum in cosmetics uses the influence of growth factors - it has a positive effect on the regeneration of skin cells. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects of lactoferrin prevent inflammatory diseases and skin irritation. Phospholipids enable easier penetration of active substances through the upper layer of the skin and the subsequent formation of a lipid film, i.e. a thin layer that significantly slows down the evaporation of water from the skin.

Your skin deserves special care.

Manufacturer: ESSENS EUROPE SE, Zaoralova 3045/1e, 628 00 Brno


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