Volume: 2 ml
Do you love the atmosphere of MotoGP races and do you want to remind yourself of it with every step? The unisex perfume set is unique thanks to its design which was done based on the official partnership of ESSENS and PETRONAS Sepang Racing Team.
The unified fragrance composition reflected in all three products impresses with a fresh citrus scent, which hides a beautiful floral finish when it develops. The lowest notes stand on a strong woody base.
The luxury unisex perfume combines into a perfect fragrance thanks to carefully selected ingredients and a long aging process. It contains 20% fragrance essences and is rightly ranked among the elite perfumes. It pampers and captivates its wearer with its opulence.
Top note: Orange, lemon, anise, amyris
Middle note: Iris, lily of the valley, jasmine
Base note: Tonka beans, sandalwood, amber wood, musk
Manufacturer: ESSENS EUROPE SE, Zaoralova 3045/1e, 628 00 Brno
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