The Danish recipe for happiness or a happy way of living. This is how the term hygge is often described. The origins of this word can be found in Denmark, and did you know that this nation ranks among the happiest in the world? So let`s take a closer look at what is hiding behind this magical word. Hygge is actually an abbreviation of the word hyggelig, which can be loosely translated as a relaxed or warm atmosphere. Hygge is simply the art of surrounding ourselves with what makes us happy. Whether it`s a nice get-together with family or friends, a trip to your favorite place or a quiet evening with hot tea, your favorite book accompanied by a lovely smelling candle and relaxing music. Hygge is a way of stopping for a while, enjoying the magic of the moment and living what is known as slow living.


How to practice hygge?

Do you want to try hygge? We`ve got some tips on how to create that magical Danish atmosphere. How about finally taking your best friend out after a while to visit your favorite cafe together? Hygge is also a relaxing moment listening to your favorite music. Focus on the environment around you too. In the interior, opt for muted colors and natural materials. First and foremost, it`s essential that your home is cozy and sticks to the spirit of minimalism, without too much furniture or accessories. Everything unnecessary simply has to go. This is the only way to make your home feel comfortable, relaxed and enjoy even the most ordinary moments to the fullest.

Uleiuri esențiale

Uleiurile esențiale 100% naturale au fost create pentru a calma și a induce o atmosferă plăcută cu ajutorul puterii concentrate a ierburilor. Sunt ideale pentru relaxare, masaje, cosmetice și băi.

Essens Oil Levander 10ml

19.50 €

Mai puțin de 5 buc
Essens Oil Lemon 10ml

19.50 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Essens Oil Eucalyptus 10ml

19.50 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Essens Oil Lemongrass 10ml

19.50 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Essens Oil Rosemary 10ml

19.50 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Essens Oil Orange 10ml

19.50 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Essens Oil Peppermint 10ml

19.50 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Essens Oil Thyme 10ml

19.50 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Essens Oil Tea Tree 10ml

19.50 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Essens Oil Cassia 10ml

19.50 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Essens Oil Clove Bud 10ml

19.50 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Essens Oil Pine Needle 10ml

19.50 €

Mai mult de 5 buc

Pietre de masaj Gua Sha

Medicina tradițională chineză a folosit Gua Sha de mii de ani pentru a se relaxa și a calma durerea. Această terapie naturală alternativă, bazată pe principiul masajului pielii, duce la circulația sângelui, promovarea fluxului limfatic și eliminarea toxinelor din organism.

Sweet Almond Carrier Oil

28.20 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Essens Gua Sha Stone Roses

26.30 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Essens Gua Sha Stone Crystal

26.30 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Essens Gua Sha Stone Amethyst

26.30 €

Mai mult de 5 buc

Lampă cu aromă

Aromaterapia are proprietăți terapeutice puternice și este pe bună dreptate clasificată ca unul dintre tipurile de medicină alternativă, înseamnă literal „tratament cu mirosuri”. Are un efect benefic asupra sistemului nervos și emoțiilor, susține imunitatea și ajută la problemele de sănătate.

Essens Aroma Diffuser Black

43.20 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Essens Aroma Diffuser White

43.20 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Essens Ceramic Aroma Lamp

20.10 €

Mai mult de 5 buc


Săpunurile solide revin și devin din ce în ce mai populare. Conțin uleiuri esențiale 100% naturale care miros frumos și au, în același timp, un efect pozitiv asupra pielii, pe care o hidratează și o lasă moale și suplă.

Săpun solid - lavandă

10.80 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Essens Soap Rosemary

10.80 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Slow Living
Essens Soap Orange
Essens Soap Orange

10.80 €

Mai mult de 5 buc


Lumânările ESSENS Slow Living sunt realizate prin turnare manuală dintr-un amestec special de ceară vegană, cu un timp de ardere de până la 50 de ore. Aroma plăcută a uleiurilor esențiale este completată de un fitil de lemn cu efect de trosnet de foc în șemineu, aducând o adevărată relaxare.

Ce aduce hygge-ul?
1. O formă mai bună
O parte a unui stil de viață lent este includerea unui exercițiu mai natural, limitând în același timp conducerea. Există, de asemenea, un accent puternic pe alimente. La urma urmei, precursorul termenului slow living este slow food, opusul fast-food-ului. Este vorba despre includerea alimentelor locale și aprecierea gastronomiei locale.
2. Mai puțin stres mai mult timp
Odată ce înțelegi că nu trebuie să te descurci cu un miliard de lucruri într-o singură zi, te vei simți ușurat și, în general, mai calm. În realitate, multe dintre lucrurile care te stresează pot aștepta și nu vor merge nicăieri. Doar împrăștiați-le pe mai multe zile. Vei fi ușurat și îți va oferi mult mai mult timp pentru tine.
3. Relații mai puternice
Încetinirea și deconectarea de la agitația lumii din jurul tău, inclusiv a rețelelor sociale, înseamnă că te vei concentra pe deplin asupra celor dragi, ceea ce, fără îndoială, va aduce beneficii relațiilor tale.
4. Viață mai fericită
În timp, vei descoperi că te simți mai în largul tău și mai fericit în general. Amintiți-vă, nu este vorba despre oprirea completă. Slow Living înseamnă să apeși frâna suficient de mult pentru a începe să vezi și să apreciezi lumea din jurul tău.

Hygge and aromatherapy

The concept of hygge undoubtedly includes candles or essential oils. Rely on natural waxes and natural essential oils, which are ideal for relaxing your body and soul. Try creating a place in your home just for you, where you place a pile of candles, an aroma lamp, a fluffy blanket and a few cushions. There`s that warm and calming feeling every time you settle into that corner, and that`s what hygge is all about.


Slow Living

The ESSENS Slow Living range was created so that you too can feel the magic of aromatherapy and live according to the principles of hygge. The name Slow Living is not chosen by accident. It is a worldwide phenomenon that also coincides with the principles of Danish hygge. Slow living is a reaction to today`s consumerist and fast-paced lifestyle and an attempt to return to a pace of life that is respectful of our planet. The goal of slow living, as the name suggests, is to slow down, relax and enjoy the present. The ESSENS Slow Living range includes not only essential oils but also aroma lamps, bar soaps and soy wax candles with a crackling fire sound effect. 

The Slow Living range will warm your soul and help you enjoy the peace and magic of the present moment. The basic vision was to prepare products that will minimize the distractions of our hectic lives and help strengthen the balance and harmony of the body. This in return ultimately leads to an improvement in the overall condition of your body, soul and mind. 

100% natural essential oils have been created to soothe and induce a pleasant atmosphere using the concentrated power of herbs. They are ideal for relaxation, massages, cosmetics and baths. They play an important role in aromatherapy, which is rightly classified as a type of alternative medicine and literally means "treatment by scent".

Essential oils are highly concentrated, volatile aromatic substances that are extracted from various parts of plants. They are found in leaves, roots, flowers, seeds and bark. They give plants their fragrance, protect them from danger, even help them with pollination and are very rich in various active and medicinal substances.


Effects of aromatherapy

Aromatherapy has strong therapeutic properties and is rightly classified as one of the types of alternative medicine, literally meaning "treatment by scents". Aromatherapy has a positive effect on our nervous system and emotions, supports immunity and helps with health problems. Individual essential oils serve to improve the overall condition of the body and soul, yet have different therapeutic effects. By using the right essential oil, it is possible to achieve relief from a range of problems.

Slow Living candles contain only natural vegan ingredients, led by soy wax, supplemented by certified palm wax from plantations grown for this purpose only. This special wax blend burns cleaner and slower, significantly extending the burn time to up to 50 hours. The fragrance component is provided by natural essential oils in such a proportion that the resulting scent is pleasant and non-irritating. The wooden wick allows the optimal release of the pleasant aroma into the air and creates a relaxing atmosphere thanks to the crackling fire sound effect.


How to use essential oils?

Essential oils can provide relief for ailments such as nausea, body aches, stress, headaches or menopausal problems. Aromatherapy also provides stress relief, as well as stimulating and boosting immunity.

If you`re embarking on the aromatherapy journey, it is worth knowing how to use essential oils to their best effect. Aromatherapy can be done in several ways, including the following:


Inhalation: you can drip small amounts of oils into aroma lamps or diffusers. This way you can scent your interior and create a pleasant mood depending on the kind of oil you are using. It can also be mixed with water in atomizers and used as an interior spray or to scent pillows.

Massage: by massaging the oils into the skin, you will achieve a pleasant relaxation and thanks to the benefits of the oils you can enjoy their full potential. Try for example foot massage, massage to relax the neck and other stiff muscles, apply to your temples or use the oils as a compress.

Cosmetics: mix the oil with your favourite face cream or body lotion (1 - 2 drops are enough, we recommend a patch test every time as essential oils may be irritating to sensitive skin).

Bath: add 3-5 drops to the bath or shower wall and enjoy the aroma enhanced by the power of the steam.


How to look after the ESSENS Slow Living candles?

To ensure that the final effect of the burning candle with a wooden wick is perfect, give it special care. The wooden wick should always be lit from the bottom where the wick touches the wax. It is important to let the candle burn long enough for the melted wax to form an even level that reaches the glass edges. Otherwise, a tunnel effect, a residue of wax on the sides of the glass, will form in the candle. This residue could melt, flood the burning wick, and extinguish it. Once you blow out the candle, allow the wax to cool completely and then remove any pieces of burnt wood from the wooden wick, making sure to leave no debris in the candle. You don`t have to worry if the wick is too short. An unevenly aligned wick can lead to spontaneous extinguishment or smoldering.

ID: 10002022
15.04.2022, 09:20

Slow Living je láska - oblíbila jsem si všechny výrobky. Často využívám jako dárky - krásné balení a top kvalita.



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