
20.90 €
Cel mai bun preț din ultimele 30 de zile:
10.50 p
Continutul pachetului
50 ml
Disponibilitate: In stoc


A refreshing aromatherapy spray with eucalyptus essential oil to soothe the respiratory tract during colds, blocked noses and seasonal allergies. It contains 8 essential oils and is intended for diffusion into room space.

Eucassens benefits

  • Positive effects on the respiratory system
  • Helps to relax the airways
  • Facilitates coughing in case of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract
  • Has an antibacterial and antiviral effect
  • Humidifies the air
  • Has a beneficial effect on reducing fatigue and stress

Eucalyptus essential oil is very popular for its positive effects on the respiratory system. It clears the respiratory tract during colds, facilitates clearing of coughs, has antibacterial and antiviral effects, helps to dissolve phlegm during colds. At the same time, it effectively destroys germs in the air, so it is suitable for disinfecting spaces. It has positive effects on reducing migraines, fatigue and stress. The aroma of eucalyptus repels insects incl. ticks.

Juniper essential oil is a natural antiseptic, has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, and eliminates bacteria in the air. It helps clear the airways, increases concentration and calms emotions.

Laurus (bay leaf) essential oil acts as an antidepressant, helps relieve coughs, disinfects and cleans the air.

Peppermint essential oil makes it easier to breathe when you have a fever and a cold, refreshes and helps with migraines and nervous tension.

Pine essential oil is effective during inflammation of the larynx, bronchi and sinuses, relieves the symptoms of colds and flu, facilitates the release of phlegm and fights against coughs.

Ginger essential oil has anti-inflammatory and aphrodisiac effects, strengthens immunity, reduces anxiety and tension, counteracts stress fatigue, and is suitable for meditation.

Sage essential oil strengthens and harmonises the organism, has sedative effects on the nervous system, and calms the senses.

Lemon essential oil has relaxing effects, helps induce mental well-being and balance.

Menthol has significant calming effects, a cooling effect and a pleasant fresh scent.

Camphor is suitable during colds and conditions accompanied by cough, has a disinfectant effect, has a positive effect on the mental state, dispels feelings of  sadness and also helps with the feeling of internal cold.

Use: spraying in the room acts as a pleasant and effective air freshener. Spray into the area as needed, you can use it several times a day. The spray can also be sprayed on a handkerchief or on a pillow at night. You can also add the spray to the bath for inhalation and relaxation.

Warning: Keep out of reach of children. Do not spray on the mucous membranes of the skin and in the eyes. H225: Highly flammable liquid and vapour. H319: Causes serious eye irritation. P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. - No smoking

Manufacturer: ESSENS EUROPE SE, Zaoralova 3045/1e, 628 00 Brno 

INGREDIENTS (INCI): Ethanol, Mixtura Essentialis Oleis (Limonene, Citrus, Limon Peel Oil, Eucalyptus Globulus Leaf Oil, Isopropyl Myristate, Mentha Arvensis Leaf Oil, Triethyl Citrate, Camphor, Juniperus Communis Fruit Oil, Laurus Nobilis Leaf Oil, Menthol, Pinus Sylvestris Leaf Oil, Salvia Officinalis Oil, Zingiber Officinale Root Oil, Isoeugenol, Eugenol, Citral, Linalool, Geraniol, Citronellol, Amyl Cinnamal, Hexyl Cinnamal).

Peter Ožir
Evaluat 09/03/2025

Tatiana Jaščurová
Evaluat 03/03/2025
tento produkt by nemal chýbať v žiadnej domácnosti...už len to zloženie hovorí za všetko...ja ho používam pri nachladnutí. Podporuje lepšie dýchanie, pôsobí protizápalovo a antibakterálne..rnVeľmi dobre dezinfikuje prostredie a preto ho mám tiež v aute ako osviežovač vzduchu. Taktiež ho dávam deťom aj nám na posteľnú bielizeň...využívame ho aj pri cvičení, nastiekame ho do priestoru a hneď sa nám lepšie cvičí joga...odporúčam

Evaluat 16/02/2025

C******** B*****
Evaluat 14/02/2025
Convivo con un polipo nel naso e questo prodotto, oltre al meraviglioso profumo, mi permette di respirare molto molto meglio ... rendendo quasi impercettibile il disagio.

Slavomíra Florišova
Evaluat 14/02/2025
Krásna vôňa, zbožňujem nastriekať do izby, pred spaním aj nám aj deťom....hlavne v období chorôb, keď aj príde ku nám nejaká návšteva s kašlom, hneď striekam do priestoru a vystriekam dom aj po odchode

Katarína Bejdáková
Evaluat 12/02/2025
Perfektná vec, ja už bez toho aby som si striekla tento sprej v spálni ani nezaspím. Úžasné sa dýcha.

Anastasia Tătaru
Evaluat 12/02/2025
Este super o aroma placuta si buna pentru respiratie ,pentru cei care bolesc......

Наталья Владимировна Субботина
Evaluat 06/02/2025
Давала этот спрей сестре, так как у племянницы была сильная заложенность носа и дыхание было затруднено. Спрей достаточно распылить в воздух. Ночь племянница спала хорошо. Так как дыхине улучшилось


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