Detox set

127.80 €
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Detox set

What is the detoxification of an organism?

Detoxification is the process by which the body removes the harmful effects of toxic substances and toxic gases. Among these toxic substances are cigarette smoke, chimney smoke, exhaust fumes, pesticides, heavy metals, harmful paints, improper cosmetics, toxins in beverages and foods, toxic medicaments, plastic softeners and hormones but there are many more.

Although the human body possesses the ability to expel the majority of toxic substances, it is beneficial, from time to time, to help remove the harmful products of metabolism, purify the blood and strengthen the detoxification organs, which include the liver, lungs, intestines, kidneys and skin itself.

Why is detoxification important?

Every season brings a different degree of burden to our bodies. In winter, which brings the biggest flooding of toxins to our bodies, the human organism is weakened and also suffers from the lack of exercise and sunshine. Significantly weakened skin in winter is sensitive to changes in temperature and dries rapidly. Detoxification helps improve immunity, eliminates fatigue and cleanses the liver and other internal organs. It helps improve chronic conditions such as back pain and joint pain, relieves gynaecological problems, migraines and headaches. It contributes to adjusting digestion and bowel movements and helps in the occurrence of skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis. Overall, it promotes help for metabolism, the immune and nervous systems and brings the body relief.

Three-month ESSENS Detox detoxification treatment consists of seven products:

  • 1x ES’Pure Start, 2x ES’Pure, 3x Flow´EN and 1x Clea´NS

Recommended usage of ESSENS Detox products:

  • 1st month: Flow’EN (1 tab. in the evening) + Clea’NS (1 tab. during the day) + ES’Pure Start (1 tab. in the evening)
  • 2nd month: Flow’EN (1 tab. in the evening) + ES’Pure (1 tab. in the evening)
  • 3rd month: Flow’EN (1 tab. in the evening) + ES’Pure (1 tab. in the evening)

  • 1x ES`Pure Start
  • 1x Clea`NS
  • 3x Flow`EN
  • 2x ES`Pure

  • Lorenza Cecchi
    Evaluat 04/02/2025
    Amo tantissimo questo meraviglioso Detox i benefici che mi apporta sono tantissimi , risveglia il metabolismo, elimina scorie dal nostro intestino ch è il nostro secondo cervello.Importante da fare almeno 2 volte l anno

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