Colostrum is the first milk produced by mammals a few hours after birth. It is valuable for its high content of immune components necessary for survival in a world full of pathogens.


Colostrum mainly contains:

  • Immunoglobulins - antibodies
  • Lactoferrin – iron binding and antibacterial and antiviral effect
  • Oligosaccharides – bifido-effect, support the body`s formation of beneficial intestinal microflora
  • Vitamins (mainly fat-soluble)
  • Growth factors – cell development and renewal
Colostrum contains all these components in an optimal ratio.
Colostrum processing method:
  • ONLY colostrum from the 1st milking is used for processing (not from the first 24 or 48 hours, because the IgG content drops by up to 40% already at the 2nd milking)
  • The revolutionary technology of filtration (micro, ultra) has replaced pasteurisation, as it achieves microbial purity and, thanks to heat preservation, achieves a higher IgG content
  • A gentler granulation process
  • Top technological processing
  • Sophisticated quality and control system



  • High content of active ingredients
  • Negligible (insignificant) percentage of occurrence of intolerance
  • Used in anti-aging therapy
  • A wide spectrum of use both in prevention and in direct use
Among the significant benefits during long-term use are the elimination of negative manifestations in:
  • Weakening of immunity
  • Digestive problems
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Allergic reactions
  • Atopic eczema



  • Premium quality cosmetics
  • It does not contain harmful substances and is extremely gentle on all skin types
  • The Colostrum+ series provides comprehensive skin care
  • Natural products containing top components in an optimal ratio
  • Anti-ageing effects – slows down skin ageing
  • The content of colostrum significantly increases the permeability of active substances through the upper layer of the skin
  • Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects of colostrum - ideal cosmetics for sensitive skin
  • The formation of a lipid film on the skin - the effect of smoothing facial wrinkles
  • Ideal for long-term use
  • The combination of several Colostrum+ cosmetic products leads to the multiplication of their effects


You deserve the best that nature has to offer. The first milk produced by the mammary glands after the birth of mammals, colostrum, is valuable for its high content of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and proteins and plays an important role in building immunity.

Colostrum + Vitamin D

46.90 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Colostrum + Curcumin 60 capsules CZ/EN

46.90 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Colostrum Food Suplement SET

132.40 €

Mai mult de 5 buc


Sensitive, dry or problematic skin deserves special care. Cosmetics with colostrum work deep into the skin structure, help in the fight against skin diseases and provide maximum hydration.


Colostrum Shower Gel + AntiCellulite + Nourishing

29.60 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Shower Gel Colostrum

8.90 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Anti Cellulite Cream Colostrum

12.00 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Nourishing Cream Colostrum

12.00 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
COL+ Anti Aging Day Cream NEW 50 ml

41.60 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
COL+ Anti Aging Night Cream NEW 50 ml

41.60 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
COL+ Anti Aging Lifting Serum NEW 30 ml

38.40 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
COL+ Anti Aging Eye Gel NEW 30 ml

38.40 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
COL+ Anti Aging Tonic NEW 150 ml

27.80 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
COL+ Anti Aging Mild Soap NEW 150 ml

27.80 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
COL+ Moisturizing Face Cream 50ml

41.60 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Set Colostrum+ Anti Aging basic

121.60 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Set Colostrum+ Moisturising

97.20 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Set Colostrum+ Anti Aging Premium

215.60 €

Mai mult de 5 buc


Making your own yoghurt is not only fun, but also highly effective. Our yoghurts have up to 100 times more bacteria than store-bought yoghurts. They are thus a great helper for the digestive tract and support healthy intestinal microflora.



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