Set contains:
Colostrum, 60 capsules– ESSENS Colostrum was developed and is manufactured under pharmaceutical supervision. Active ingredients per capsule is IgG40 (400mg). Colostrum is the first milk, produced by the mammary glands after mammals give birth. Colostrum is valued for its high content of vitamins (A, D, E, C, B1, B2, B6. B12, folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin, niacin), minerals, trace elements (sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine, chromium), proteins and protease inhibitors. Colostrum contains antibodies which are effective against bacteria, viruses and fungi. It also contains Lactoferrin - a multifunctional protein which reduces inflammation in the body.
Colostrum + Vitamin D, 60 capsules – ESSENS Colostrum + vitamin D was developed and is manufactured under pharmaceutical supervision. Active ingredients per capsule are Colostrum IgG40 (400mg), provitamin D3 ( 5,00 μg = 100 % of dietary intake reference). Contains all the benefit of ESSENS Colostrum yet, with Vitamin C, also counteracts osteoporosis and the decalcification of the body. Helps to enhance strength of bones and teeth. Helps to reduce high blood pressure.
Colostrum + Curcumin, 60 capsules – ESSENS Colostrum + Curcumin was developed and is manufactured under pharmaceutical supervision. It contains curcumin, bovine colostrum and black pepper extract (piperine). Curcumin is the extract from the plant turmeric and is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Piperine is an extract from the fruit of the black pepper seeds and causes better absorption of the active substance into the body. Curcumin has up to 20 times higher efficiency thanks to piperine.
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