What are our visions and core values?
What have we achieved since 2011?
What are the benefits of being an ESSENS Club member?
You can find the answers to all your questions in the document, called ESSENS YOUR BUSINESS - Business presentation and Marketing plan.
We will help you learn basic sales skills in three basic stages that have a different learning curve. They should be followed in order and not be skipped or ignored completely.
We recommend a few tips for a perfect start and repeat the Pillars of success.
We will help you understand the ESSENS point system in a comprehensible way, we will explain the fair and balanced commission system, and above all the method of qualification for individual positions.
We will introduce you to all four plans, from the lowest positions of the 1st Plan to the management positions of the 2nd and 4th Plans to the exclusive annual bonuses of the 3rd Plan for top managers.
The Business Presentation and Marketing Plan are simple tools not only for new ESSENS Club members.
It will give your business presentation a clear line and direction, help you achieve success and a higher quality of new registrations.
Document format: 20 x 20 cm, 56 pages
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