Colostrum Probiotics 6 pcs. - food supplement

24.60 €
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12.50 p
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6 pcs
Disponibilitate: In stoc

Colostrum Probiotics 6 pcs. - food supplement

ESSENS Colostrum Probiotics food supplement contains four chosen probiotic cultures– strains of microorganisms with beneficial effects, probiotic inulin and colostrum, which is the source of active antibodies.

The package is intended for individual preparation of „live“ home yogurts of high quality.

* PROBIOTICS = living organisms, that help to keep the balance of the intestinal microbial flora

*PREBIOTICS = energy source for „yogurt“ microorganisms and symbiotic intestinal bacteria

Yogurt made of probiotics/prebiotics ESSENS mixture belongs among so-called „functional foods“. That means foods created from naturally occurring ingredients that beside their nutritional value have also good effect for the health of the consumer.

By combining ESSENS Colostrum Probiotics, enriched by colostrum and ESSENS Yogurt Maker you will get a unique opportunity to create a truly healthy bioactive yogurt in highest possible quality, which naturally contributes an ideal manner and without additional chemicals to restore the internal metabolic balance and increase the immune system.

Manufacturer: ESSENS EUROPE SE. Zoaoralova 3045/1e, 62800 Brno

Ingredients: probiotic cultures: Streptococcus lactis, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum. Prebiotics: inulin, colostrum.

Ludmila Molosnic
Evaluat 17/03/2025
Da 3 anni preparo questo yogurt in casa . È fantastico ! È un super alimento vivo di quale abbiamo bisogno tutti per essere sani . E super buonissimo! Provatelo!

Elena Drdanova
Evaluat 20/02/2025
Jogurt konzumujeme od r.2022 odvtedy sme nekupovali jogurty v obchode Nielenže je veľmi dobrý môžem na 100 percent povedať že mi pomohol vyriešiť problémy s hnačkami spolu s Essynbio som bývala onko pacientka.

Slavomíra Florišova
Evaluat 12/02/2025
Najdokonalejšie jogurty, jeme ich už od 2014 a ešte sme sa neprejedli! V kuchyni na sladko, slano čo potrebujete. V chladničke vždy k dispozícii. Odporúčam! Zdravie mojich detí je na prvom mieste, a pri týchto jogurtoch som si istá ,že im dávam funkčnú potravinu. Nieje to hocijaký jogurt, je to živý jogurt...Odporúčam všetkým mamičkám, dávať tento jogurt hneď od mesiaca, v ktorom sa majú už zavádzať do stravy jogurty. Moja dcéra má už 9r ale ochutené jogurty z obchodu nechce, najradšej má čistý biely od Essens♥️

Martin Jančiga
Evaluat 11/02/2025

Giovanna Razionale
Evaluat 05/02/2025

Nina Werle
Evaluat 17/02/2025


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