Aloe Vera Soft Spray

17.10 €
Cel mai bun preț din ultimele 30 de zile:
8.00 p
Continutul pachetului
100 ml
Disponibilitate: In stoc

Aloe Vera Soft Spray

Aloe Vera Soft Spray is a cosmetic product with a soothing effect on the skin. It contains a high proportion of active substances and aloe vera extract, which cause quick relief to irritated skin. Soft Spray provides help and accelerates skin regeneration in case of abrasions, burns, itching or after insect bites. It also effectively cares for skin damaged after excessive sun exposure, contributes to alleviating feelings of burning, itching, tension and brings hydration to the skin.

Free of parabens and chemical components.

Aloe Vera extract is used in cosmetics for its regenerative effects. Polysaccharides contained in the extract ensure sufficient hydration of the cells. The active components of the extract help to reduce the reproduction of bacteria and stimulate fibroblasts (the basic cells of fibrous tissue scattered in different parts of the body in humans), resulting in faster cell renewal.

Allantoin: this active ingredient supports tissue regeneration and is widely used in cosmetology and medicine due to its valuable properties, especially for its significant regenerative and soothing effects. Allantoin has a beneficial effect on healing processes by promoting cell division.

Chelidonium majus Extract, also known as celandine, containing effective alkaloids of the isoquinoline type, is used externally for microbial eczema, non-healing, purulent wounds, leg ulcers and warts. It also helps with the occurrence of skin fungi.

Use: Apply a small amount to the skin as needed and allow to dry freely.

Manufacturer: ESSENS EUROPE SE, Zaoralova 3045/1e, 628 00 Brno

Ingredients (INCI): Aqua, Aloe Barbadensis Extract, Glycerin, Polysorbate 80, Laureth-9, Stevia Rebaudiana Extract, Allantoin, Zinc Citrate, Citric Acid, Chelidonium Majus Extract, Menthol, Aroma, Thymol.

Petra Petovska
Evaluat 07/03/2025
La recensione del mio cliente : Lo spray è top sulla ferita e ne ho approfittato che avevo un po di fastidio in gola e me lo sono spruzzato come mi dicevi. Sono rimasto esterrefatto. Veramente spettacolare!

Anita Kecsedi
Evaluat 04/03/2025
Fantasztikus ez a spray

Sara Garau
Evaluat 23/02/2025
Io sono soggetta a mal di gola e tosse che mi porta spesso la febbre alta, da ottobre uso questo spray aloe vera uno spruzzo in bocca alla mattina e se necessario anche due tre volte al giorno, finora non ho ancora avuto mal di gola, incrociamo le dita

Ing. Lenka Borková
Evaluat 21/02/2025
Účinný, potrebný, užitočný pre všetkých členov rodiny aj pre

Slavomíra Florišova
Evaluat 18/02/2025
Skvely sprej, nemohol chýbať počas materstva.Bol so mnou všade, kde sme sa s deťmi pohli, tam bol v kabelke

Katarína Bejdáková
Evaluat 12/02/2025
Úžasná vec, jeden doma a druhý už preventívne v aute a na cestách,či dovolenkách. Veľa krát pomohol pri úrazoch,popálení.. porezaný prst som striekla sprejom a nechala účinkovať, krvácanie sa zastavilo a nebolo treba ani náplaste.

Гүлнара Мақсотқызы Темірғалиева
Evaluat 11/02/2025
Біздің үйдің сүйікті спрейі. Қашан да қасымызда

Перизат Бусурманкулова
Evaluat 06/03/2025
Действительно хороший спрей

Nina Werle
Evaluat 17/02/2025


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