Aloe vera


Aloe vera may grow up to 100cm and is a succulent perennial herb with a short stem and a rosette of sparsely growing, spiny leaves. Plant origin is mostly attributed to the Nile basin, but is now cultivated in climatically conforming regions around the world. The pulp of the leaves is formed by colourless cells with a gel-like content that has clinically proven health benefits and is therefore used as a food supplement and has now found its place in the cosmetics industry. Aloe Vera Gel contains amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, polysaccharides and many other beneficial substances.

Gel drinks recipes


Orange cocktail - Aloe Vera + Vitamin C

Aloe vera gel drink - vit. C 15 ml

6 fresh mint leaves

Passion fruit puree 15 mll

Fresh orange juice 100 ml

Honey 20 ml

Garnish: Mint and orange

Coctail glass: your choice

Cranberry cocktail - Aloe Vera + apple/Acai

Aloe vera gel drink - Apple + Acai 15 ml

3 teaspoons of forest fruit

2 teaspoons of cane sugar

Fresh lime juice 15 ml

Cranberry juice 60 ml

Soda water 40 ml

Garnish: Blueberries

Coctail glass: your choice

Grape cocktail - Aloe Vera + grape

Aloe vera gel drink - hrozen 15 ml

4ks čerstvých hroznů

Lžička třtinového cukru

Čerstvá limetková šťáva 15 ml

Jablečná šťáva 100 ml

Ozdoba: Rozmarýn a hrozen

Nádoba: dle výběru

Refreshing summer cocktail - Aloe Vera + linden flower

Aloe vera gel drink - linden flower 30 ml

Chilled tonic 150 ml






Garnish: Mint

Coctail glass: your choice


Aloe Vera Gel Drink with linden flower - Aloe vera gel drink - new edition is HERE! Here are a few very original cocktail recipes that will spark your summer party.

Aloe Vera concentrate

22.50 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Bautura cu gel de Aloe Vera - floare de tei - supliment alimentar

20.40 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Aloe Vera gel drink with Vitamin C 500 ml RU/CZ

20.40 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Aloe Vera gel drink with Grape Concentrate 500 ml RU/CZ

20.40 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Aloe Vera gel drink - Apple & Acai 500 ml RU/CZ

20.40 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Aloe Vera + Boswellia

39.20 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera + Q10
Aloe Vera + Q10

39.20 €

Mai mult de 5 buc



  • They have been designed on the basis of the latest research, knowledge and trends
  • Parabens and pollutants free, are non-toxic to the environment
  • Natural raw ingredients of the highest possible quality
  • Suitable for everyday use and optimal for those with sensitive skin and susceptibilities toward acne, herpes, eczema or fungal infections
  • Aloe vera helps to reduce bacterial growth and is highly valued for both it‘s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects
  • Aloe vera is easily absorbed deep below the surface of the skin and stimulates fibroblasts (basic cells of connective tissue found within different parts of the human body) resulting in the accelerated recovery of cells

Oferta de produse

Aloe Vera Body Peeling

15.60 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Spray moale cu Aloe Vera

17.10 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Crema de fata hidratanta

19.50 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Aloe Vera Soft Spray Plus

20.70 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Aloe Vera Soft Spray ALL

56.90 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Aloe Vera Soft Spray KIDS

20.70 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Aloe Vera After shave balm

7.80 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Aloe Vera Shaving Foam

7.80 €

Apa de gură cu Aloe Vera - Pepene verde

15.50 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Shampoo for coloured hair

7.80 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Shampoo for all hair type

7.80 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Balsam pentru păr colorat și uscat

8.90 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Balsam pentru păr colorat și uscat

8.90 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Pasta de dinti cu carbune activat si vitamina B12

15.20 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Pasta de dinti cu Aloe Vera

15.20 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Periuța de dinți ultra-moale albastră

5.60 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Extra periuță de dinți alb-albastru

5.60 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Set de periute interdentare

5.60 €

Mai mult de 5 buc
Periuta de dinti ultra moale - alb/negru

5.60 €

Mai mult de 5 buc

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