Premium quality products and perfect makeup in which you will always feel naturally beautiful.  These are the main pillars of the MUST HAVE EDITION by ESSENS Beauty product line, which was created with the support of a great team of make-up artists led by the one and only make-up artist Pavel Kortan.

MUST HAVE EDITION cosmetics are new both inside and out. The range of products has been carefully selected to best cover the basic needs of users, the wide age range and, last but not least, the skin tone. Each product has been designed from the very beginning and with regard to matching one another. Colours, scents, textures were carefully selected, and minimalism and sustainability were applied.

The collection contains everything necessary for achieving perfect makeup, a wide range of colours and quality ingredients. Emphasis is also placed on ensuring precise application and long-lasting effect.


The original ESSENS Beauty decorative cosmetics collection was presented at the Kick OFF 2018. Long-lasting make-ups met all expectations and almost immediately became a popular item across all markets. However, the cosmetics industry is very dynamic and keeping up with the latest trends is very crucial for us. The original collection was gradually extended until at the end of 2020 it was completely replaced by a new, upgraded edition MUST HAVE EDITION by ESSENS Beauty.


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