In the summer of 2021, we launched the upgraded ESSENS Sun Care product line, which is designed for everyone who wants to protect themselves from the sun radiation or to achieve a quality tan.

The range includes a wide assortment of products in a minimalist design that is also aesthetically pleasing. 

You can also find here products that support a beautiful tan, such as FAMILY CREAM SPF 50+ or, the brand new, DRY OIL SPF 30 and UV WATER SPRAY SPF 30.

AFTER SUN GEL CREAM is a total necessity, which ensures perfect hydration, protection of tanned skin and the prolongation of a tan. The latest addition is the new subcategory SUN CARE+ , which is the imaginary icing on the cake. It is represented by the glittering beauty SHIMMERING OIL SPF 20 and the essential FACE CREAM SPF 50+ for even greater protection from the sun.

Popular and extremely boosted food supplement ESSENS SUN CARE + TABLETS also falls into this category with an attractive and comfortable dosage. This food supplement contributes to a bronze tan and prolongs its shelf life. It helps protect the skin from UV radiation and helps to slow down dehydration.


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