In summer 2014, ESSENS company launched a new product line - Home Pharmacy, to the international market.

All products of the ESSENS Home Pharmacy range are developed and manufactured under pharmaceutical supervision in the Czech Republic respecting the implementation of strictest rules and standards. Active components are obtained exclusively from natural sources without the use of chemically produced materials.

Hi-tech production – top and revolutionary technical methods, which is used in the processing, guarantees uniqueness of these dietary supplements. Part of the complex technological production is micronization, enzyme inhibition and multi-layer coating. 

Micronization is reducing used raw materials to particle sizes of only a few micrometres. The resulting substance, thanks to its larger surface area, improves and accelerates dissolution in the body and reaches higher effectiveness. 

Enzyme inhibition process leads to reduced enzyme activity, which in case of ESSENS Home Pharmacy products is achieved by using the natural substances of curcumin and pepper. 

Multi-layer coating - a unique technology which thanks to the ESSENS Home Pharmacy products appeared for the first time on the international market. Significant effects are achieved through the successive application of several layers that contain active substances as well as the proper timing of dissolution.

ESSENS Home Pharmacy food supplements are products that were introduced to the market in 2014 and 2015 and have been very popular ever since.

  • ESSENS Slim´SS - to reduce and control body weight
  • ESSENS Slim’SS vit - complex of vitamins A, D, E, K which are fat soluble
  • ESSENS Flow´EN - to protect the vascular system
  • ESSENS Head´ES - to reduce headaches, to increase mental activity
  • ESSENS ES’Leep - to support good quality sleeping and the process of falling asleep, a natural antidepressant
  • ESSENS Hard’EN - to support male erection
  • ESSENS Clea’NS - a natural antiparasitic
  • ESSENS ES´PURE - to cleanse the body of toxins
  • ESSENS Vitamin C - high quality micronised vitamin
  • ESSENS Detox - three-month detox treatment consisting of seven products:  1x ES`Pure Start, 2x ES`Pure, 3x Flow`EN and 1x Clea`NS.

Home Pharmacy certificates (PDF)
Questions and answers for products line


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