ESSENS perfumes are created with emphasis on the best possible quality. Our production is certified with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), ISO  9001-2008 and is under constant inspection according to the strictest regulations and standards of the European Union. We guarantee that every perfume product contains at least 20% of the fragrance essences (essential oils), exclusively provided by SELUZ company, which is one of the front producers of private brands. This guarantees an esteemed position with the elites among perfumes.

Let us introduce you to a simplified description of the manufacturing process. Aromatic essences of the greatest quality made exclusively from natural resources are firstly mixed together with a pure perfumer’s alcohol. This is why we differ from  most of the other perfume companies, as they are obligated to denaturalise the alcohol with chemicals, which may negatively affect the final product. The final mixture is cooled to the temperature of -7°C and after is filtered; filters used in this step have a rating of 10 microns. The perfume is then stored in stainless steel tanks for a minimum of 8 weeks, where it matures so the essence gains more intensity. The mature perfume is then filled into flacons, cleaned by an air stream created by Italian masters at the renowned glass workshop. Lastly the whole product is packaged into a box, which is designed with pure creativity. All manufacturing steps are subject to continuous control and only the best quality materials are used for the production.

The offer includes the most successful 40 perfumes for women and 20 perfumes for men.

ESSENS has extended the range of products by shower gels in each of the 60 fragrances. Furthermore, we offer perfumed body balms in 40 women`s fragrances, which are enriched by moisturizing complex, vitamin E, shea butter, apricot and hemp oil, thanks to which your skin will not only be fragrant, but also beautiful and healthy.

ESSENS Body Mist

In 2016, ESSENS fragrances portfolio was expanded by introducing refreshing body sprays with 3% perfume but with the same manufacturing process as ESSENS Perfumes to achieve a perfect blend of essential oils with other ingredients. Favourite Body Mist are available in 10 most popular fragrances.  


At the beginning of 2015, we introduced four exclusive perfumes from our brand-new collection, ESSENS Unique. Perfumes contain 20% fragrance essences and make a unique perfume composition using the finest raw ingredients that can be found on the world market. Fragrant essences were chosen to give the resulting scent a quality and timeless hallmark. In 2017, the Unique perfume portfolio grew, offering 4 women’s and 4 men`s perfumes, including luxury shower gels with the same scent.


Before Christmas 2017, we introduced two completely exclusive luxury perfumes niche which completely outweighed the standard offer. It is the absolute peak of perfumery art, which combines many years of tradition, a masterful production process, the most precious ingredients, luxurious flacons, extraordinary art composition and, of course, surprisingly long stamina. ESSENS Niche Perfumes represent five unisex perfumes in 100 ml elegant flacons, revealing an intoxicating scent that leaves behind a deep intense footprint.


The year 2020 began with the astonishing ESSENS Kick OFF 2020 4 Elements event, which took place at the Congress Center in Prague. The theme of the event were four elements, four basic ESSENS values, four relevant topics. Health, beauty, ecology and prosperity. Inspiration, motivation, innovation and information. The idea of ​​four basic elements, fire, water, earth and air, pointing towards topics related to environmental protection, inspired us to create a new perfume line ESSENS Perfume 4 Elements.  The four perfect unisex fragrances Red Fire, Blue Water, Green Earth and Purple Air contain 20% of aromatic essences, which were carefully selected for the original aromatic composition.  To underline the uniqueness of the perfumes, 100 ml bottles made of thick glass were created, which, even with their higher weight, bring a limited edition with the hallmark of perfection.

And as usual, ESSENS always offers something extra! For each of the 4 Elements Limited Edition, we donate 50 cents to The Ocean Cleanup, a patronage of a unique worldwide project to clean the oceans contaminated by millions of tons of plastic. Every ESSENS Club member can contribute any amount of their choice to this unique activity, which is beneficial to our planet. And what you put in, we double!

All of our products have been successfully certified and registered for sale in every country where ESSENS is represented.

DeVobis by ESSENS

This unusual combination of multimedia flacon and perfume is not to be found in our offer anymore. Nevertheless, we decided to devote these few lines to this product, because even that also characterizes ESSENS - desire to come first with something new and develop own vision. DeVobis never became successful, even though it was a world novelty - perfume with digital LCD display. Due to the unique technology it was possible to simply upload your own photo, music, video or even personal wishes into the memory, which could intensify emotions associated with such a gift. 


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